Saturday 24 August 2019

Hare Family


My project today is this sweet mum and baby hare. Originally I just made the mum but when I looked at it, it reminded me of the 'love you to the moon and back 'story I read as a child.
One of the first kits I ever got as a gift was a hare and they seem popular.

Thursday 22 August 2019


Welcome to my needlefelting blog!
I'm so excited to share my needlefelted makes.
My first project are these cute hedgehogs, who doesn't like a hedgehog?
Recently we have had a couple visit the garden so I've been leaving water and mealworms out, which seem to go down well!
This inspired me to make some and thanks to a kit from Lincolnshire Fenn crafts, I made these.


I have made two so far, and just like the two from the garden, one is larger than the other!
It's the first time I've followed an online tutorial and used a reverse needle but I was really pleased with them.


I hope you've enjoyed my first make. Please follow the blog if you'd like to be kept up to date with my posts.

