Saturday 24 August 2019

Hare Family


My project today is this sweet mum and baby hare. Originally I just made the mum but when I looked at it, it reminded me of the 'love you to the moon and back 'story I read as a child.
One of the first kits I ever got as a gift was a hare and they seem popular.


  1. ADORABLE! This paid of sweet bunnies are wonderful, Natalie, you are very talented. I'm not familiar with this craft, but I love the results. We have a baby bunny in our yard every morning and night eating clover from the grass, so sweet.


  2. That looks like such a lot of work...but so adorable!!! ♥ Sue Kment

  3. I don't just "like these", I L-O-V-E these. I want these. I had never even heard of needle felting until last week so this is quite a coincidence. These are just adorable. They must take quite a while to make. Oh to be so talented. I really do love them. [Bunny]

  4. And as I was looking through your papercrafting blog at your lovely Mo's Digital Pencil entries, I spotted the little hares in the corner and came here to check them out. They are delightful! Lovely felting! Hugs, Lesley

